Typical Amish grandmothers are best known for their quilts, their weird clothing, or their home made sticky buns and half-moon pies, but probably not for their editing skills. This Amish grandmother has never been typical.
Although I am a grandmother who grew up Amish, I shed my Amish clothing several lifetimes ago. It took eight semesters as a university student and a BA in English to realize that I have nevertheless been Amish all along, at least on the inside.
Now, having a minor in Technical Writing and a concentration in Professional & Media Writing, I am a freelance copy editor, design consultant, and writer with an Amish work ethic, traditional Amish perseverance, and dependability.
Need a copy editor, layout and design consultant, or proofreader? See Portfolio.
Want to learn more about me? See About the Real-life Amish Grandma.
Still curious? See Intro to Blog.